Vignette - (Photostory)

Vignette - (Photostory)


  1. No restriction on using any device to capture your photo.
  2. Theme of photostory is "reality based issues".
  3. Do not make your entry public until the results are declared.
  4. Only global editing is allowed,i.e., brightness, contrast, sharpness, saturation, etc. You may change an image from colour to black and white. Hence, no manipulation is allowed.
  5. You are required to caption your photograph in not more than 50 words.
  6. Photo limit: 5-7.
  7. Entries must follow the rules given above, if any of the rule is violated or the photograph is submitted later then the specified time, the entry will be declared invalid.
  8. Your photograph must be submitted before 27th January midnight